Platitudes may be a bit harsh for what I am led to say today, but it was the closest I could come to my point.

As a teacher I always do my research when approaching a new project; whether it be something I write, or something I of platitude...
My thought revolves around the short statements; that are often sincerely and honestly made; often bits of scripture; which are ALWAYS true...but, of late I note that there are many from some folks (and, yes, I'm "guilty" of it as well at times, but I try not to...cuz of how I've noticed  I believe these folks mean the very best...they want to remind us of something important or profound and they are trying to help.

I believe most platitudes are true...yes, that's why they've withstood the test of time...

Here is the rub for me...and for some who are struggling so desperately.  Sometimes, as in my case, I note they are said, and that is that.  My daughter one day said to me that she is weary of hearing "this too shall pass" or some such phrase like that...some such platitude. I bet I have said it to her!!  sigh... I UNDERSTOOD immediately what she meant!  She knows people mean well...but she is a mother of two very little tots (my glorious grandchildren whom I adore), and she is going through a very crazy time in life right now as any of us will remember if we had some of those little angels...when she is exhausted and trying to keep everything together amidst the chaos, the last thing she needs is a matter how well meant!  Instead I imagine what might be better received is..."how about a free babysitting moment so you can catch your breath...maybe get a coffee or see your husband outside of your house?" THAT is a blessing!  

I began to notice these well meant words that people sprinkle facebook and other social media sites with...and I felt led to say...SOMETIMES what we need is more than a few well chosen words or a pretty scripture...ALTHOUGH they are TRUE...sometimes it would be nice to get a phone call saying "I miss you" or "are you doing ok?"...and then be willing to listen...sometimes, people need THAT!

At the risk of sounding like a Debbie Downer...I just wanted to be real for a moment...I NEED to say this...Life has been really REALLY challenging and heartbreaking and exhausting of late and maybe I can't say what it is, but I really REALLY need more than just the platitudes...and some gentle right now...and I bet there are LOTS and TONS and LOADS of folks out there who need the, can we call this a small, tiny, public service reminder...sometimes those in pain need more than just a platitude...

THAT BEING SAID...I do LOVE one platitude that one friend reminded me of...because I know it was from the heart!'s true...(smiley face inserted
I perused through an article I found on line that I found interesting for the moment in time...if you want to read a bit...check out this perspective on Job in relation to platitudes...

AGAIN, I KNOW folks mean well, they are busy and their lives have things and, and, and...(insert here whatever came to your mind), this was more just a kind reminder that actions speak louder than words...and some folks right in your own backyard might be having a crazy life period and might need more than just some pretty platitudes...